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7 Proven Secrets to Attract Your Soulmate Without Kissing Any Frogs

by Linda Geiger

This eBook is one of Linda Geiger's most popular publications available as a free download.

  • How to truly believe that amazing love is not only possible for you, but God already has someone in mind- -who is looking for you right now!
  • How to listen to the Holy Spirit to clarify the kind of husband God wants for you
  • How to remove obstacles from your path: old habits, previous relationships, beliefs, behaviors that have blocked you in the past
  • How to attract God's full joy and love into your daily life, including your Beloved


Age 65 // Colorado

"I’m married!!!

I’ve gone from sitting back and waiting for love to happen eventually, to actively dating amazing men. My Man was looking for me and we met— easily! Linda says, ‘You can’t mess it up with your One!’ Love will find you!"


Toronto, Canada

"I'm so happy! I began working with Linda and she took me through to realize I wanted something way more than I was thinking.

She helped me to let go of some of my lowered expectations, and now I have this amazing man- --I didn't even dream of anyone like him. We will are now engaged and planning our wedding.

I thank Linda for helping me to find God's man for me."


Vancouver, Canada

"Linda, thank you for writing your e-book! I read through it and did all the exercises.

And thank you for leading me with our prayers together to see something different for my future and my life.

I connected with an old friend over the past several months...and GUESS WHAT!? We're engaged!"



Where I Was…

A few years ago I thought, “Well, I’ve already been married in my life. I’m a mother, grandmother, a sister, with many interests, friends, a home of my own, and part-time work that I enjoy. I have a full life. It’s time to live my life on my own, enjoy my independence, and move forward. I won’t ever need or want a man in my life again. That part is over…. It’s too late for real love, anyway…Is there even such a thing as true love?”

Maybe I’m not finished with love yet…

However, after about 2 years of enjoying my independent life, I started to feel a nudge…. ”maybe I’d like to have a man in my life who just wants to go to dinner or a movie now and then.”...