If you are READY to take action and create the relationship you want, we offer coaching programs to help you get  the LOVE you want. Follow a more focused path of intentional steps to the SUCCESS YOU DESIRE through our transformational coaching services. Love will find you!

Book your FREE Strategy Session!



If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services.


Our transformational coaching programs are designed to produce high quality results: your amazing love relationship -- quickly! We support you in taking the needed steps to reach your cherished goal.  We’ll help you walk through any challenges together and unfold a unique-to-you plan of action to overcome what has blocked you in the past.

Our Coaching Clients Receive:

  • Personalized coaching curriculum designed specifically for your goals and dreams
  • Weekly/ BiWeekly coaching sessions
  • Specific action-oriented assignments
  • Direct email and WhatsApp access to your coach
  • Confidential expertise,  guidance, spiritual support, and accountability
  • And much, much more!

BOOK your FREE Strategy Session!


What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, C.S. Lewis and Michael Phelps all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak times in their lives, successful and  fulfilled  people continue to use coaches to help them achieve their heart's desires. If you are ready to take action and create the outcome of your dreams, we offer coaching programs to assist you. Take your relationship life to a new level: attract your soulmate!

Follow a tried and true pathway of consistent, visible progress in your love life through our transformational coaching services. Thousands of women have found their Beloved. You are NEXT!  To learn more about how you  can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click on the gold button.

Relationship Success Secrets

Relationships are a vital part of a happy life. 

They enable us to connect, feel understood and be loved. 

Because relationships are so significant, it is necessary to make an effort to create strong bonds. Relationships require focus, patience and understanding, commitment and communication. 

In this exciting workshop you’ll discover how to experience more fun and deeper intimacy with the people you love, including:

  •  The Art & Science of Healthy Relationships
  •  Communication Skills for Couples
  •  How to Fix the Challenges Without “Fixing the Blame”
  •  The Success Secrets of Happy Relationships
  •  Dating, Mating and Relating God's Way

BOOK your FREE Strategy Session!



Age 65 // Colorado

"I’m married!!!

I’ve gone from sitting back and waiting for love to happen eventually, to actively dating amazing men. My Man was looking for me and we met— easily! Linda says, ‘You can’t mess it up with your One!’ Love will find you!"


Toronto, Canada

"I'm so happy! I began working with Linda and she took me through to realize I wanted something way more than I was thinking.

She helped me to let go of some of my lowered expectations, and now I have this amazing man- --I didn't even dream of anyone like him. We will are now engaged and planning our wedding.

I thank Linda for helping me to find God's man for me."


Vancouver, Canada

"Linda, thank you for writing your e-book! I read through it and did all the exercises.

And thank you for leading me with our prayers together to see something different for my future and my life.

I connected with an old friend over the past several months...and GUESS WHAT!? We're engaged!"